Periodization Training

Periodization helps to avoid over training by systematically alternating high training loads with decreased loading phases.

Example – Workout days

Day 1 Strength

Day 2 Strength and Endurance

Day 3 Strength and Speed

Within the example days listed above you would implement one of the periodization models listed below, based on your fitness and health condition.

personal training

Training Models

Non Periodization

Linear – Workload/Volume of sets and reps are constant every day. Intensity increases with load progression

Random Variation – Workout intensity and volume change arbitrarily with no other program structure.

Periodization Models

Undulating –Workout routine during the week consistently changes. Workout intensity and volume increases and decreases regularly.

Traditional – Intensity and workout volume are steadily manipulated to start with high volume and low intensity and progresses to high intensity and low volume

Over reaching – Either volume or intensity is greatly increased for a one – two week period and then the training routine is returned to normal.

4 Minute workout – 20 seconds highest intensity / 10 seconds rest / repeat 8 times

Non Periodization

Use unusual shape and control challenged devices to improve

Core strength development
Real life functional carryover
Integrated strength development
Lunge with an overhead press

Hybrid Movement

Combine two exercises into one movement
Example – Bent over row with a dead lift


Ascending – Increase Repetitions, Duration or Load with each consecutive Set

Descending – Decrease Repetitions, Duration or Load with each consecutive Set

Reciprocating – One exercise increases intensity the other exercise decreases intensity

Building Blocks

Choose up to 4 exercises

Choose a duration (reps or time)

Add an exercise to each block

Rest 10-20 second between exercises

Rest 1-2 minutes between each block


Exercise #1 / Rest 30 seconds

Exercise #1 & 2 / Rest 45 seconds

Exercise #1 & 2 & 3 / Rest 75 seconds

Exercise #1 & 2 & 3&4 / Rest 90 seconds


One of the most functional exercise anyone can perform is the squat. Anytime you get in and out of a chair, you are performing a squat. There are many different versions of squats that you can perform; bench squat, sumo squat, kettle bells swings, etc. The key, like any other exercise is to perform them correctly. Ideally you should have your trainer analyze your movement as you are exercising. If you don’t have a trainer then use a mirror to evaluate yourself.

Joint and body movements to observe

Look at your knees, are they moving in or outward as you squat?

Are your knees sheering (knees over toes) forward as you squat down?

Are your heels lifting off the ground as you squat downward?

Are you hinging at your hips or initiating your first move with your knees?

Are you rounding at your back as you squat downward?

Are you finishing your upward movement completely?

As you can see there is a lot to squatting correctly. Remember that doing an exercise movement is not the same as doing an exercise movement correctly.
